Saturday, July 26, 2014

New Happenings

So it's been 10 months since I've written and there have been a lot of new things that have happened since I have been gone.

My birthday was a month ago and I am now 19 years old. It's weird to think that i'm pretty much an adult now. My birthday gift was going to see DEVO perform in Baltimore. This was the first show that was part of their hardcore tour where they performed songs from their pre-lable days. I got to meet them after the show, though the only member I got to speak to was Mark Mothersbaugh, who was extremley kind. I showed him pictures of me with singers Joey Arias as well as Martyn Jaques. He liked my homemade Eraserhead shirt (which he sung the film's song In Heaven, Everybody's Fine, while performing as his alter ego Booji Boy).  I also went to the National Aquarium, as well as The Jewish Museum of Baltimore, where I saw an exhibit of the history of Jews living on Lombard street. Overall, I would say it was a wonderful trip and it was well worth all the money that I spent on the VIP tickets (which were $200).

However, on June 17th, I received a message from a member of the Lost Media Wiki, saying that my long sought out holy grail had been found.  Yes, the famous lost Tim Burton film, Hansel and Gretel had finally resurfaced. It was recorded by some person on that one Halloween night in 1983, when the film had it's one and only showing on the Disney Channel. It's amazing that for 31 years, this person never came out with having a copy. Apparently, he or she didn't even know how rare it was, crazy huh?

Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, and Everyone Else, I present to you Tim Burton's Hansel and Gretel.

I hope you all enjoy it. I'm very picky when it comes to movie I will enjoy but this film is a total winner. For me, it's perfect. 

Check out the Lost Media Wiki. They have many articles about unavailable material, such as movies, TV series', commercials, even video games. The Lost Media Wiki Homepage 

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Welcome My Friends!

Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome to my new blog! (I lost the password to my other one, lol)

My Name is Ari Srabstein, pleasure to make your acquaintance! I am an aspiring actor, musician, writer, and filmmaker.

I have started working on my first project entitled: The Grimm Adventures of Hansel and Gretel. This project will be a computer animation with "musical"live action segments. It will feature a somewhat "faithful" though somewhat "new" take on the tale of Hansel and Gretel. It will start out with the traditional set up of Hansel and Gretel (the stepmother and father leave Hansel and Gretel out in the woods to die) but then will slowly start to take a different turn by adding (as well as omitting) elements that will create a new take on the classic tale. I really want to emphasize the themes of child neglect and the loss of innocence.

I have other themes and concepts for this piece, but I'm going to keep those other details "confidential" until the time comes for me to release this animation. In the meantime, I will release pictures and updates on how production is going.

I plan to make to go on to create a live-action 60+ minute musical of Hansel and Gretel and in addition, a stage adaptation both named Candy-Coated Lies. I will present them at my future colleges (Montgomery College and maybe American University) and from there I wish to preform the play at the D.C Fringe Festival and then to small theaters around the D.C area and hopefully La Mama Theatre in New York City.)

 I thank you all for reading my first blog post! I will make new posts whenever I get an idea for one (that means that there could be several posts per day!)

I hope you will enjoy reading my blog.

-Ari Srabstein